Scheduling an appointment with the financial aid office at the school the student is planning to attend after graduation is very important. It will give the student and parents a realistic view of the cost of that institution. Information about financial aid can also be found at and

When applying for state and federal financial aid, a FAFSA from needs to be completed. The forms are available online for each year beginning October 1. The forms can be found and completed at

A Saturday in October a representative from PHEAA will be at Bedford High School to offer a Financial Aid Presentation and FAFSA completion Day starting at 9:00 AM. This process usually lasts 2 – 3 hours.



  • Available student scholarships are posted in schoology in the Counseling Office Information group. All students are enrolled in their grade level group and have access to the available scholarships.

  • Check out these sites for more access to scholarships:

  • Students are encouraged to visit the financial aid webpage at their post-secondary institution to access the school specific scholarships.

  • Parents and students should check with their employer for available scholarships.