Please Note: All programs and services are at no charge to parents.

The Bedford Area School District currently operates the following programs:

  1. Elementary Learning Support Classrooms

  2. Secondary Learning Support Classrooms

  3. Upper Elementary & Middle School Life Skills Support Classrooms

  4. Speech/Language Support Program

  5. Emotional Support Program

  6. Psychological Services - including psychological counseling services

  7. Transition Program

  8. Hearing Support Program

Contracted programming through Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 as follows:

  1. Visually Impaired Support

  2. Autistic Support

  3. Preschool Programs for Exceptional Students

  4. Social Work Services

  5. Assistive Device Evaluations

  6. Multihandicapped Support Classrooms

  7. Consultation

Contracted through Laurel Life Services:

  1. Mental Health and Behavioral Services

Contracted through CAMCO:

  1. Occupational Therapy

  2. Physical Therapy

Multi-District Classes

  1. Life Skills Support—Primary Level, Chestnut Ridge School District

  2. Life Skills Support—Secondary Level, Everett Area School District

Alternative Education placement in Bedford County:

  1. Nulton Partial Hospitalization Program

  2. Extended Family Academy and Day Treatment

Out of County Educational Placements

  1. Cove Forge

  2. Pressley Ridge

  3. Hoffman Homes

  4. Meadows

  5. Alloysius Hall

  6. Abraxis

Interagency Agreements

  1. MH/MR

  2. CASSP

  3. ACRP

  4. Children’s Behavioral Health

  5. Laurel Springs

  6. Children & Youth

  7. Personal Solutions

  8. PA State Police

  9. Career Link

  10. Bedford Counties Sheriff’s Office

Specially Designed Instruction Within the Support Program

  • Individual Instruction

  • Consultation

  • Pre-teach/Tutoring

  • Co-Teaching

  • Adapted Testing

  • Adapted Grading

  • Transition Plans

  • Shadowing

  • Functional Academics -Job Placement

  • Behavior Intervention Plans

  • Graduation Plans

  • Counseling

  • Interviews -Interagency Cooperation

Referrals for possible placement into support programs occur through the individual teacher referral or interested parties in addition to parental request. All procedural safeguards will be considered throughout the referral, placement and programming process.

The goal of the Bedford Area School District is to continue to offer the most appropriate programs within our school district or local area. For more information regarding the referral process and programming for exceptional students you may contact the BASD Special Education Office located in the Bedford High School at 814-623-4225.

Bedford Area School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in admission to its programs, services, or activities, in access to them, in treatment of individuals, or in any aspect of their operations. The lack of English language skills shall not be a barrier to admission or participation in the district's activities and programs. Bedford Area School District also does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices.


330 East John Street, Bedford PA 15522

Phone: 814-623-4290| Fax 814-623-4229