The Bedford Area School District values the trust of its school community. We always endeavor to be as transparent as possible when the events could affect a large number of students, and we legally can provide the information. The district would like to provide you with information about a fake bomb threat occurring nationally, which is affecting schools, airports, and numerous other public locations.
On Tuesday, September 19, 2023, all school districts in the Commonwealth received notification from the Pennsylvania State Police about email hoaxes concerning bomb threats to schools. The State Police notification outlined specific information about these hoaxes, such as the specific sending email addresses and the exact content of the message. Today, our district office received an email sent from the specific email address that contained the identical message listed in the State Police notification. This identical message was also sent to numerous school districts in our area.
We appreciate the support provided by the Pennsylvania State Police. The Pennsylvania State Police information quickly allowed us to determine this was a hoax bomb threat that exactly matched the information provided to us on September 19th. Therefore, we took the appropriate action to notify the State Police that we received this hoax email. We will continue to monitor this situation and provide information as necessary.
In closing, the safety of our students and staff is a fundamental duty of the school district. We work diligently and train constantly to prepare for all types of emergencies. Your trust is incredibly valuable to us, and we recognize our important role in creating a safe environment for your children and our staff. If you have any questions, please contact your building administration.