As 8th graders start the last half of their 8thgrade year, it is time to look ahead to next year. BHS Counselors will meet with the 8th grade class on Wednesday, March 6th during 4th period. Information will be presented about the high school scheduling process, required credits, electives, and special programs. Also, an informational parent night will be held at BHS auditorium on Wednesday, March 6th at 6:00 p.m. Mr. Rose will be taking his classes to the high school for a tour of the elective courses on Thursday, March 7th. 8th grade students will receive an appointment time to schedule high school courses during the week of March 11th – 15th. Parents are welcome to attend the scheduling appointment with their child. If you have any questions regarding the 9th grade scheduling process you may call the guidance office at the high school (623-4250) or the middle school (623-4200).
BHS Scheduling
February 29, 2024